Women empowerment

SJKSS strongly believes that comprehensive development is not possible without women empowerment. Despite being pivotal to societal empowerment, most women are denied even their basic rights like health, education, employment and a respectable status in society. Therefore, further efforts are needed to ensure their overall development.
SJKSS carries out programmes among the rural folks, telling them about rights of women and the ways to ensure women empowerment. SJKSS regularly carried out awareness on the matter and has come out with a project, namely Education to Empower Woman, to make a change in lives of thousands of women in rural India. Starting from Muzaffarpur district, Bihar, SJKSS aims its expansion across rural areas in Bihar and other states.
SJKSS organizes skill development camp for women in various districts of Bihar. We provide training for manufacturing beautiful handicrafts, embroidery and bamboo articles. The main objectives of such training include enabling the unskilled women to become self dependent. SJKSS training camps ensure artisans acquaint themselves with the designs and ways to incorporate them in the work. Thus, SJKSS aims at promoting the bamboo articles at national and international market so that artisans involved in manufacturing bamboo articles and craft work get maximum benefit out of their works.