“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.” Paul Shane Spear

If you have to power make someone happy, do it the world needs more on that. Today, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays very important role to change the society. SJKSS invites all corporate to join hands with us and take a part of society development. The uniqueness of SJKSS lies in its working model. We as an NGO believe change does not come in a single day, it is a gradual process. So, we believe sustainability, accountability, transparency and result oriented work. (SJKSS) invites corporates for direct involvement and support through CSR. We with CSR programmes give a good platform to corporate to adopt initiate and become a partner of development project. We believe in making a difference through social responsibility.

SJKSS has thematic focus to set up its efforts in the overall development of the society so that every person lives with peace in the country. The organization endeavours to bridge the gap that exists amongst people by creating public opinion and demonstrations on various issues affecting the people. Training programs are organized to impart skill and knowledge related to socio economic and cultural system of the area. The main objective of the society is to help people initiate social change through awareness and motivation. People are divided by different forces, resulting in a feeling of exploitation amongst most people in rural locations.

Individual donors Donation is 100% tax exemption under 80C and 80G. You can join as a volunteer and give your valuable feedback to betterment of Society.