Help Feed Intellectually Disabled People
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This home for the intellectually disabled is in need of help! This home was started by a young yogi who passed away in 2020. His young wife has been running this home with over 90+ members. Now you can help ensure these wonderful souls receive healthy, filling meals! Celebrate your birthday or any special occasion by sponsoring a day’s worth of meals for only Rs. 14,000 ($191 USD) In Sanskrit, the word “Annam” means food and “Danam” means to donate. Thus “Annadanam” means feeding the hungry.
Annadhanam is Mahadhanam or the greatest donation in the Hindu religion and is an essential part of Sanatana Dharma tradition.
Shirdi Sai Baba said, ““Annadhanam – is the most pious and meritorious of all charity. Because, it is only by Annadhanam that one can be fully satisfied. It is only when one is given food, however much that person may take; there is a limit beyond which he just cannot take. The person says ‘Thrupthosmi’ (meaning ‘enough I am satisfied’). When food which is offered exceeds the limits, the person begs ‘Please do not serve any more’. It is only when full satisfaction is expressed like this; the giver also reaps the full reward of charity”.