Rambhadracharya Ji
Born – 14 January 1950 in Jaunpur District UP
Rambhadracharya is the founder and head of TulsiPeeth, a religious and social service institution in Chitrakoot named after Saint Tulsidas.
Ramdev Ji
Ramdev (born Ram KisanYadav between 1965 and 1975 is an Indian yoga guru, businessman and brand ambassador for PatanjaliAyurved

Sakshi Maharaj
Swami SachchidanandHariSakshiJiMaharaj (born 12 January 1956), also known as SakshiMaharaj.was born in SakshiDham, Kasganj district, Uttar Pradesh.
SakshiMaharaj, is an Indian political and religious leader belonging to the BharatiyaJanata Party.
SriSri Ravi Shankar
avi Shankar (born May 13, 1956) is an Indian yoga guru,a Hindu spiritual leader. He is referred to as Sri Sri (honorific), Guru ji, or Gurudev.

Swami Kailashanand Giri Ji Maharaj
head of the NiranjanAkhara
Morari Bapu
MorariBapu was born on 25 September 1947 ( Shivratri according to the Hindu calendar ) in Talgajarda village near Mahuva , Gujarat.
He has been giving talks/programs ( Kathavyas ) in both Gujarati and Hindi around the world — in India , the United States

Mahant Ravindrapuri ji
Jagadish Vasudev (Sadhguru)
Born – 3 September 1957
Sadhguru (born JagadishVasudev, 3 September 1957) is the founder and head of the Isha Foundation, based in Coimbatore, India. The foundation, established in 1992, operates an ashram and yoga centre that carries out educational and spiritual activities.

Acharya Bal krishna
Born 4 August 1972 is an Indian billionaire businessman and chairman of the consumer goods company Patanjali Ayurved.
Arun Giri Ji Maharaj
Born 4 August 1972 is an Indian billionaire businessman and chairman of the consumer goods company Patanjali Ayurved.